This week you may have to truly look out for yourself and not worry so much whether others offer a sense of gratitude... From left to right: THE WORLD - GENERAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE WEEK: Ah, the World. There's an oyster in here somewhere, ready to release a beauty of an iridescent pearl. Whether it's... Continue Reading →


The energy of the 7 of cups has leaked over from last week. You still have a lot of commitments going on at once. This week things might need to fall apart in order for you to put them back together again... From left to right: TWO OF PENTACLES REVERSED - GENERAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE... Continue Reading →


I missed last week's reading due to a busy (but lovely) long weekend here in Canada. After some fun and relaxation, I'm feeling the need to re-focus my energy and put my head to the grindstone! From left to right: 7 OF CUPS REVERSED - GENERAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE WEEK: You may have too many... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY READING: June 26th – July 2nd

Summer may be in full swing, but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be taking a vacation. Important decisions and responsibilities may still be coming your way. Let's take a look at this week. From left to right: EIGHT OF SWORDS REVERSED - GENERAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE WEEK: Important decisions may leave you paralyzed this week.... Continue Reading →

WEEKLY READING: June 19th – 25th

The summer solstice is smack dab in the middle of this week, leaving us with some excess energy due to those long and delicious summer days. I'll be gracing you with a special post about the solstice with an accompanying Tarot spread, for those who want to dive a little deeper. As for now, let's... Continue Reading →

Weekly Reading: June 12th – 18th

It's been an embarrassingly long time since I posted. I plead grad school. But don't worry, Tarot always takes precedence, and so it is in my new home in Halifax! So let's see if we can get some weekly head straightening, shall we? From left to right: Four of Pentacles Reversed - General Atmosphere of... Continue Reading →

Weekly Reading: May 2nd – 8th

It's hard to believe it's May. Climate change has me thinking it's July here in Alberta. And all of the adjusting to a new place and life made me lose track of last week's reading! But don't worry, I didn't forget ya. This week, let's see where we're headed... From left to right: Two of... Continue Reading →

Weekly Reading: April 18th – 24th

Your weekly reading: Use it to learn the cards, or sort your mind 🙂 From left to right: Six of Rods – General Atmosphere of the Week: With all Rods and Swords in this reading, which correspond to the Fire and Air elements respectively, this will be an week of action and decision. The first... Continue Reading →

Weekly Reading: April 11th – 17th

Let's start off the week right... From left to right: 9 of Cups – General Atmosphere of the Week: Here we go again, the card of accomplishment and self-love.We got this card in the "How to Make the Most of Your Time" position last week - which tells me that you were successful in creating... Continue Reading →

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